brain map
number of breaks: 3
Gotta recognize ‘em all! Using Pokémon to understand brain development
Despite the differences that distinguish humans from one another, our brains are astonishingly similar to one another. Why are brains organized so identically to one another? This resemblance is especially striking in a region called the "temporal lobe". In this part of the brain, there... click to read more
The Lego bricks of the brain
A supercomputer is made up of millions of repeating modules. Our recent study found that the brain is made up of repeating microcircuits. This intriguing similarity may explain how brains are built to efficiently handle diverse tasks, with "microcolumns" that act like the Lego bricks... click to read more
Where is the Engram?
The author Tonegawa won the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1987.
The human brain is composed of over 100 billion electrically-active brain cells (called neurons), and what makes the neuron a special cell type is that it sends out extensions (known as axons) that... click to read more
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